Maze Bokashi Composter Kit - 18L. Bokashi is a Japanese term meaning “Fermented Organic Matter”. It refers to a liquid or bran based material that has been fermented with EM (friendly bacteria). Bokashi products are generally pleasant smelling and, when added to your bucket, are designed to accelerate the fermentation of organic matter.
The fermentation process does not produce adverse smells so you can keep the bucket under the sink or anywhere in the home. Once treated in the Kitchen Composter, the material can then be safely dug into your garden or placed in your compost bin.
We have lots of other eco-friendly composting products available from NiceBuys including outdoor compost bins, compost bags and small kitchen compost caddys.
See here for more Bokashi LIQUID and GRAIN.
How to use Bokashi Composters
- Can accommodate cooked and uncooked food (including meat, fish, fruit and vegetables).
- Starts the breakdown process with fermentation using micro -organisms
- Produces nutrient rich liquid that can be used as fertilizer
- No adverse smells or fruit flies
- Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
- Rebuilds the soil in your garden
- Decontaminates soil from harmful pathogens/pollutants